Module diskchef.physics.williams_best
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from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import cached_property
import numpy as np
import pytest
import scipy.integrate
import scipy.interpolate
from astropy import units as u, constants as const
from diskchef.physics.parametrized import ParametrizedPhysics
class WilliamsBest2014(ParametrizedPhysics):
Class that defines physical model as in Williams & Best 2014
>>> # Initializing physics class with default parameters
>>> physics = WilliamsBest2014()
>>> physics # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
WilliamsBest2014(star_mass=<Quantity 1. solMass>, xray_plasma_temperature=<Quantity 10000000. K>,
xray_luminosity=<Quantity 1.e+31 erg / s>, cr_padovani_use_l=False, r_min=<Quantity 0.1 AU>,
r_max=<Quantity 500. AU>, zr_max=0.7, radial_bins=100, vertical_bins=100, dust_to_gas=0.01,
gas_mass=<Quantity 0.001 solMass>, tapering_radius=<Quantity 100. AU>,
tapering_gamma=0.75, midplane_temperature_1au=<Quantity 200. K>,
atmosphere_temperature_1au=<Quantity 1000. K>, temperature_slope=0.55,
molar_mass=<Quantity 2.33 g / mol>, inner_radius=<Quantity 1. AU>, inner_depletion=1e-06)
>>> # Defaults can be overridden
>>> WilliamsBest2014(star_mass=2 * u.solMass, r_max=200 * # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
WilliamsBest2014(star_mass=<Quantity 2. solMass>, xray_plasma_temperature=<Quantity 10000000. K>,
xray_luminosity=<Quantity 1.e+31 erg / s>, cr_padovani_use_l=False, r_min=<Quantity 0.1 AU>,
r_max=<Quantity 200. AU>, zr_max=0.7, radial_bins=100, vertical_bins=100, dust_to_gas=0.01,
gas_mass=<Quantity 0.001 solMass>, tapering_radius=<Quantity 100. AU>, tapering_gamma=0.75,
midplane_temperature_1au=<Quantity 200. K>, atmosphere_temperature_1au=<Quantity 1000. K>,
temperature_slope=0.55, molar_mass=<Quantity 2.33 g / mol>, inner_radius=<Quantity 1. AU>,
>>> # Generate physics on 3x3 grid
>>> physics_small_grid = WilliamsBest2014(vertical_bins=3, radial_bins=3)
>>> # table attribute stores the table with the model. Called first time, calculates the table
>>> table = physics_small_grid.table
>>> # print table with floats in exponential format
>>> table # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
<CTable length=9>
Radius Height Height to radius Gas density Dust density Gas temperature Dust temperature
AU AU g / cm3 g / cm3 K K
float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 float64
------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ----------------
1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.153290e-15 1.153290e-17 7.096268e+02 7.096268e+02
1.000000e-01 3.500000e-02 3.500000e-01 5.024587e-34 5.024587e-36 3.548134e+03 3.548134e+03
1.000000e-01 7.000000e-02 7.000000e-01 5.921268e-72 5.921268e-74 3.548134e+03 3.548134e+03
7.071068e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.285168e-13 2.285168e-15 6.820453e+01 6.820453e+01
7.071068e+00 2.474874e+00 3.500000e-01 2.716386e-17 2.716386e-19 3.410227e+02 3.410227e+02
7.071068e+00 4.949747e+00 7.000000e-01 7.189026e-23 7.189026e-25 3.410227e+02 3.410227e+02
5.000000e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.871710e-20 2.871710e-22 6.555359e+00 6.555359e+00
5.000000e+02 1.750000e+02 3.500000e-01 6.929036e-22 6.929036e-24 2.625083e+01 2.625083e+01
5.000000e+02 3.500000e+02 7.000000e-01 8.170464e-23 8.170464e-25 3.277680e+01 3.277680e+01
>>> physics_wrong_unit = WilliamsBest2014(star_mass=2) # Does NOT raise an exception
>>> physics_wrong_unit.table # but will cause unit conversion errors later
Traceback (most recent call last):
astropy.units.core.UnitConversionError: 'AU(3/2) J(1/2) kg(1/2) s / (g(1/2) m(3/2))' and 'AU' (length) are not convertible
gas_mass: u.solMass = 1e-3 * u.solMass
tapering_radius: = 100 *
tapering_gamma: float = 0.75
midplane_temperature_1au: u.K = 200 * u.K
atmosphere_temperature_1au: u.K = 1000 * u.K
temperature_slope: float = 0.55
molar_mass: / u.mol = 2.33 * u.g / u.mol
inner_radius: = 1 *
inner_depletion: float = 1e-6
def gas_temperature(self, r:, z: -> u.K:
"""Function that returns gas temperature
at given r,z using the parametrization from
Williams & Best 2014, Eq. 5-7
r: -- radial distance
z: -- height
temperature: u.K
Error if units are not consistent
temp_midplane = self.midplane_temperature_1au * ( / ** (-self.temperature_slope)
temp_atmosphere = self.atmosphere_temperature_1au * ( / ** (-self.temperature_slope)
pressure_scalehight = (
const.R * temp_midplane * r ** 3 /
(const.G * self.star_mass * self.molar_mass)
) ** 0.5
temperature = u.Quantity(np.zeros_like(z)).value << u.K
indices_atmosphere = z >= 4 * pressure_scalehight
indices_midplane = ~ indices_atmosphere
temperature[indices_atmosphere] = temp_atmosphere[indices_atmosphere]
temperature[indices_midplane] = (
+ (temp_atmosphere[indices_midplane] - temp_midplane[indices_midplane])
* np.sin((np.pi * z[indices_midplane] / (8 * pressure_scalehight[indices_midplane]))
.to(u.rad, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles())
) ** 4
return temperature
def gas_density(self, r:, z: -> u.g / ** 3:
Calculates gas density according to Eq. 1-3
r: -- radial distance
z: -- height
gas density, in u.g / ** 3
density = np.zeros_like(z.value) << u.g / ** 3
for _r in set(r):
indices_this_radius = r == _r
density[indices_this_radius] = self._vertical_density(_r)(z[indices_this_radius])
return density
def _vertical_density(self, _r:, zsteps: int = 100, maxzr: float = 1):
Calculates unnormalized vertical density according to Eq. 1
_r: -- a single radius to calculate vertical scale
callable to calculate vertical density
z = np.linspace(0, _r * maxzr, zsteps).to(
r = np.ones_like(z).value * _r
local_temperature = self.gas_temperature(r, z)
unscaled_log_density = scipy.integrate.cumtrapz(
self._vertical_density_integrator(_r, z, local_temperature), z, initial=0
unscaled_density = np.exp(unscaled_log_density)
total_density = np.trapz(unscaled_density, z)
scaled_density = (unscaled_density / total_density * self.column_density(_r)).to(u.g / ** 3)
callable = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, scaled_density)
def quantity_callable(z: -> u.g / ** 3:
return callable( << (u.g / ** 3)
return quantity_callable
def _vertical_density_integrator(self, r, z, t):
dlntdz = np.zeros_like(t).value << (1 /
dlntdz[:-1] = (t[1:] - t[:-1]) / (z[1:] - z[:-1]) / (t[:-1])
return -(
const.G * self.star_mass * z / (r ** 2 + z ** 2) ** 1.5
* self.molar_mass / const.R / t
+ dlntdz
).to(1 /
def dust_density(self, r:, z: -> u.g / ** 3:
return self.gas_density(r, z) * self.dust_to_gas
dust_temperature = gas_temperature
def column_density_norm(self) -> u.g / ** 2:
return (2 - self.tapering_gamma) * self.gas_mass / (2 * np.pi * self.tapering_radius ** 2) \
* np.exp((self.inner_radius / self.tapering_radius) ** (2 - self.tapering_gamma))
def column_density(self, r: -> u.g / ** 2:
"""Gas column density at given radius"""
drop = np.where(r < self.inner_radius, self.inner_depletion, 1)
return drop * self.column_density_norm * (r / self.tapering_radius) ** (-self.tapering_gamma) \
* np.exp(-(r / self.tapering_radius) ** (2 - self.tapering_gamma))
class WilliamsBest100au(WilliamsBest2014):
A subclass of WilliamsBest2014 which uses temperatures at 100 au rather than at 1 au for a more robust fitting
These defintions are equivalent:
>>> t_a, t_m, sl = 1000, 200, 0.55
>>> original = WilliamsBest2014(vertical_bins=3, radial_bins=3,
... midplane_temperature_1au=t_m * u.K, atmosphere_temperature_1au=t_a * u.K,
... temperature_slope=sl)
>>> at_100_au = WilliamsBest100au(vertical_bins=3, radial_bins=3,
... midplane_temperature_100au=t_m * u.K / 100**sl, atmosphere_temperature_100au = t_a * u.K / 100**sl,
... temperature_slope=sl)
>>> original.table # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
<CTable length=9>
Radius Height Height to radius Gas density Dust density Gas temperature Dust temperature
AU AU g / cm3 g / cm3 K K
float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 float64
------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ----------------
1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.153290e-15 1.153290e-17 7.096268e+02 7.096268e+02
1.000000e-01 3.500000e-02 3.500000e-01 5.024587e-34 5.024587e-36 3.548134e+03 3.548134e+03
1.000000e-01 7.000000e-02 7.000000e-01 5.921268e-72 5.921268e-74 3.548134e+03 3.548134e+03
7.071068e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.285168e-13 2.285168e-15 6.820453e+01 6.820453e+01
7.071068e+00 2.474874e+00 3.500000e-01 2.716386e-17 2.716386e-19 3.410227e+02 3.410227e+02
7.071068e+00 4.949747e+00 7.000000e-01 7.189026e-23 7.189026e-25 3.410227e+02 3.410227e+02
5.000000e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.871710e-20 2.871710e-22 6.555359e+00 6.555359e+00
5.000000e+02 1.750000e+02 3.500000e-01 6.929036e-22 6.929036e-24 2.625083e+01 2.625083e+01
5.000000e+02 3.500000e+02 7.000000e-01 8.170464e-23 8.170464e-25 3.277680e+01 3.277680e+01
>>> str(at_100_au.table) == str(original.table)
midplane_temperature_100au: u.K = 15.8866 * u.K
atmosphere_temperature_100au: u.K = 79.4328 * u.K
midplane_temperature_1au: u.K = None
atmosphere_temperature_1au: u.K = None
def __post_init__(self):
if self.midplane_temperature_1au is not None:
self.logger.warning("'midplane_temperature_1au' is ignored, use 'midplane_temperature_100au' instead")
if self.atmosphere_temperature_1au is not None:
self.logger.warning("'atmosphere_temperature_1au' is ignored, use 'atmosphere_temperature_100au' instead")
self.midplane_temperature_1au = self.midplane_temperature_100au * 100 ** self.temperature_slope
self.atmosphere_temperature_1au = self.atmosphere_temperature_100au * 100 ** self.temperature_slope
class WB100auWithSmoothInnerGap(WilliamsBest100au):
def column_density_norm(self) -> u.g / ** 2:
_r = np.geomspace(self.inner_radius / 10, self.tapering_radius * 10, 1000).to(
return self.gas_mass / np.trapz(2 * np.pi * _r * self._column_density_unscaled(_r), _r)
def _column_density_unscaled(self, r: -> u.dimensionless_unscaled:
return (r / self.tapering_radius) ** (-self.tapering_gamma) \
* np.exp(-(r / self.tapering_radius) ** (2 - self.tapering_gamma)) \
* np.exp(-(r / self.inner_radius) ** (self.tapering_gamma - 2))
def column_density(self, r: -> u.g / ** 2:
"""Gas column density at given radius"""
return self.column_density_norm * self._column_density_unscaled(r)
class WB100auWithSmoothInnerGap (star_mass: Unit("solMass") = <Quantity 1. solMass>, xray_plasma_temperature: Unit("K") = <Quantity 10000000. K>, xray_luminosity: Unit("erg / s") = <Quantity 1.e+31 erg / s>, cr_padovani_use_l: bool = False, r_min: Unit("AU") = <Quantity 0.1 AU>, r_max: Unit("AU") = <Quantity 500. AU>, zr_max: float = 0.7, radial_bins: int = 100, vertical_bins: int = 100, dust_to_gas: float = 0.01, gas_mass: Unit("solMass") = <Quantity 0.001 solMass>, tapering_radius: Unit("AU") = <Quantity 100. AU>, tapering_gamma: float = 0.75, midplane_temperature_1au: Unit("K") = None, atmosphere_temperature_1au: Unit("K") = None, temperature_slope: float = 0.55, molar_mass: Unit("kg / mol") = <Quantity 2.33 g / mol>, inner_radius: Unit("AU") = <Quantity 1. AU>, inner_depletion: float = 1e-06, midplane_temperature_100au: Unit("K") = <Quantity 15.8866 K>, atmosphere_temperature_100au: Unit("K") = <Quantity 79.4328 K>)
WB100auWithSmoothInnerGap(star_mass: Unit("solMass") =
, xray_plasma_temperature: Unit("K") = , xray_luminosity: Unit("erg / s") = , cr_padovani_use_l: bool = False, r_min: Unit("AU") = , r_max: Unit("AU") = , zr_max: float = 0.7, radial_bins: int = 100, vertical_bins: int = 100, dust_to_gas: float = 0.01, gas_mass: Unit("solMass") = , tapering_radius: Unit("AU") = , tapering_gamma: float = 0.75, midplane_temperature_1au: Unit("K") = None, atmosphere_temperature_1au: Unit("K") = None, temperature_slope: float = 0.55, molar_mass: Unit("kg / mol") = , inner_radius: Unit("AU") = , inner_depletion: float = 1e-06, midplane_temperature_100au: Unit("K") = , atmosphere_temperature_100au: Unit("K") = ) Expand source code
@dataclass class WB100auWithSmoothInnerGap(WilliamsBest100au): @cached_property def column_density_norm(self) -> u.g / ** 2: _r = np.geomspace(self.inner_radius / 10, self.tapering_radius * 10, 1000).to( return self.gas_mass / np.trapz(2 * np.pi * _r * self._column_density_unscaled(_r), _r) @u.quantity_input def _column_density_unscaled(self, r: -> u.dimensionless_unscaled: return (r / self.tapering_radius) ** (-self.tapering_gamma) \ * np.exp(-(r / self.tapering_radius) ** (2 - self.tapering_gamma)) \ * np.exp(-(r / self.inner_radius) ** (self.tapering_gamma - 2)) @u.quantity_input def column_density(self, r: -> u.g / ** 2: """Gas column density at given radius""" return self.column_density_norm * self._column_density_unscaled(r)
Class variables
var atmosphere_temperature_100au : Unit("K")
var atmosphere_temperature_1au : Unit("K")
var midplane_temperature_100au : Unit("K")
var midplane_temperature_1au : Unit("K")
Instance variables
var column_density_norm
Expand source code
def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): if instance is None: return self if self.attrname is None: raise TypeError( "Cannot use cached_property instance without calling __set_name__ on it.") try: cache = instance.__dict__ except AttributeError: # not all objects have __dict__ (e.g. class defines slots) msg = ( f"No '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} " f"instance to cache {self.attrname!r} property." ) raise TypeError(msg) from None val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND) if val is _NOT_FOUND: with self.lock: # check if another thread filled cache while we awaited lock val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND) if val is _NOT_FOUND: val = self.func(instance) try: cache[self.attrname] = val except TypeError: msg = ( f"The '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} instance " f"does not support item assignment for caching {self.attrname!r} property." ) raise TypeError(msg) from None return val
Inherited members
class WilliamsBest100au (star_mass: Unit("solMass") = <Quantity 1. solMass>, xray_plasma_temperature: Unit("K") = <Quantity 10000000. K>, xray_luminosity: Unit("erg / s") = <Quantity 1.e+31 erg / s>, cr_padovani_use_l: bool = False, r_min: Unit("AU") = <Quantity 0.1 AU>, r_max: Unit("AU") = <Quantity 500. AU>, zr_max: float = 0.7, radial_bins: int = 100, vertical_bins: int = 100, dust_to_gas: float = 0.01, gas_mass: Unit("solMass") = <Quantity 0.001 solMass>, tapering_radius: Unit("AU") = <Quantity 100. AU>, tapering_gamma: float = 0.75, midplane_temperature_1au: Unit("K") = None, atmosphere_temperature_1au: Unit("K") = None, temperature_slope: float = 0.55, molar_mass: Unit("kg / mol") = <Quantity 2.33 g / mol>, inner_radius: Unit("AU") = <Quantity 1. AU>, inner_depletion: float = 1e-06, midplane_temperature_100au: Unit("K") = <Quantity 15.8866 K>, atmosphere_temperature_100au: Unit("K") = <Quantity 79.4328 K>)
A subclass of WilliamsBest2014 which uses temperatures at 100 au rather than at 1 au for a more robust fitting
These defintions are equivalent:
>>> t_a, t_m, sl = 1000, 200, 0.55 >>> original = WilliamsBest2014(vertical_bins=3, radial_bins=3, ... midplane_temperature_1au=t_m * u.K, atmosphere_temperature_1au=t_a * u.K, ... temperature_slope=sl) >>> at_100_au = WilliamsBest100au(vertical_bins=3, radial_bins=3, ... midplane_temperature_100au=t_m * u.K / 100**sl, atmosphere_temperature_100au = t_a * u.K / 100**sl, ... temperature_slope=sl) >>> original.table # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <CTable length=9> Radius Height Height to radius Gas density Dust density Gas temperature Dust temperature AU AU g / cm3 g / cm3 K K float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 ------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------------- 1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.153290e-15 1.153290e-17 7.096268e+02 7.096268e+02 1.000000e-01 3.500000e-02 3.500000e-01 5.024587e-34 5.024587e-36 3.548134e+03 3.548134e+03 1.000000e-01 7.000000e-02 7.000000e-01 5.921268e-72 5.921268e-74 3.548134e+03 3.548134e+03 7.071068e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.285168e-13 2.285168e-15 6.820453e+01 6.820453e+01 7.071068e+00 2.474874e+00 3.500000e-01 2.716386e-17 2.716386e-19 3.410227e+02 3.410227e+02 7.071068e+00 4.949747e+00 7.000000e-01 7.189026e-23 7.189026e-25 3.410227e+02 3.410227e+02 5.000000e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.871710e-20 2.871710e-22 6.555359e+00 6.555359e+00 5.000000e+02 1.750000e+02 3.500000e-01 6.929036e-22 6.929036e-24 2.625083e+01 2.625083e+01 5.000000e+02 3.500000e+02 7.000000e-01 8.170464e-23 8.170464e-25 3.277680e+01 3.277680e+01 >>> str(at_100_au.table) == str(original.table) True
Expand source code
@dataclass class WilliamsBest100au(WilliamsBest2014): """ A subclass of WilliamsBest2014 which uses temperatures at 100 au rather than at 1 au for a more robust fitting These defintions are equivalent: >>> t_a, t_m, sl = 1000, 200, 0.55 >>> original = WilliamsBest2014(vertical_bins=3, radial_bins=3, ... midplane_temperature_1au=t_m * u.K, atmosphere_temperature_1au=t_a * u.K, ... temperature_slope=sl) >>> at_100_au = WilliamsBest100au(vertical_bins=3, radial_bins=3, ... midplane_temperature_100au=t_m * u.K / 100**sl, atmosphere_temperature_100au = t_a * u.K / 100**sl, ... temperature_slope=sl) >>> original.table # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <CTable length=9> Radius Height Height to radius Gas density Dust density Gas temperature Dust temperature AU AU g / cm3 g / cm3 K K float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 ------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------------- 1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.153290e-15 1.153290e-17 7.096268e+02 7.096268e+02 1.000000e-01 3.500000e-02 3.500000e-01 5.024587e-34 5.024587e-36 3.548134e+03 3.548134e+03 1.000000e-01 7.000000e-02 7.000000e-01 5.921268e-72 5.921268e-74 3.548134e+03 3.548134e+03 7.071068e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.285168e-13 2.285168e-15 6.820453e+01 6.820453e+01 7.071068e+00 2.474874e+00 3.500000e-01 2.716386e-17 2.716386e-19 3.410227e+02 3.410227e+02 7.071068e+00 4.949747e+00 7.000000e-01 7.189026e-23 7.189026e-25 3.410227e+02 3.410227e+02 5.000000e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.871710e-20 2.871710e-22 6.555359e+00 6.555359e+00 5.000000e+02 1.750000e+02 3.500000e-01 6.929036e-22 6.929036e-24 2.625083e+01 2.625083e+01 5.000000e+02 3.500000e+02 7.000000e-01 8.170464e-23 8.170464e-25 3.277680e+01 3.277680e+01 >>> str(at_100_au.table) == str(original.table) True """ midplane_temperature_100au: u.K = 15.8866 * u.K atmosphere_temperature_100au: u.K = 79.4328 * u.K midplane_temperature_1au: u.K = None atmosphere_temperature_1au: u.K = None def __post_init__(self): super().__post_init__() if self.midplane_temperature_1au is not None: self.logger.warning("'midplane_temperature_1au' is ignored, use 'midplane_temperature_100au' instead") if self.atmosphere_temperature_1au is not None: self.logger.warning("'atmosphere_temperature_1au' is ignored, use 'atmosphere_temperature_100au' instead") self.midplane_temperature_1au = self.midplane_temperature_100au * 100 ** self.temperature_slope self.atmosphere_temperature_1au = self.atmosphere_temperature_100au * 100 ** self.temperature_slope
Class variables
var atmosphere_temperature_100au : Unit("K")
var atmosphere_temperature_1au : Unit("K")
var midplane_temperature_100au : Unit("K")
var midplane_temperature_1au : Unit("K")
Inherited members
class WilliamsBest2014 (star_mass: Unit("solMass") = <Quantity 1. solMass>, xray_plasma_temperature: Unit("K") = <Quantity 10000000. K>, xray_luminosity: Unit("erg / s") = <Quantity 1.e+31 erg / s>, cr_padovani_use_l: bool = False, r_min: Unit("AU") = <Quantity 0.1 AU>, r_max: Unit("AU") = <Quantity 500. AU>, zr_max: float = 0.7, radial_bins: int = 100, vertical_bins: int = 100, dust_to_gas: float = 0.01, gas_mass: Unit("solMass") = <Quantity 0.001 solMass>, tapering_radius: Unit("AU") = <Quantity 100. AU>, tapering_gamma: float = 0.75, midplane_temperature_1au: Unit("K") = <Quantity 200. K>, atmosphere_temperature_1au: Unit("K") = <Quantity 1000. K>, temperature_slope: float = 0.55, molar_mass: Unit("kg / mol") = <Quantity 2.33 g / mol>, inner_radius: Unit("AU") = <Quantity 1. AU>, inner_depletion: float = 1e-06)
Class that defines physical model as in Williams & Best 2014
>>> # Initializing physics class with default parameters >>> physics = WilliamsBest2014() >>> physics # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE WilliamsBest2014(star_mass=<Quantity 1. solMass>, xray_plasma_temperature=<Quantity 10000000. K>, xray_luminosity=<Quantity 1.e+31 erg / s>, cr_padovani_use_l=False, r_min=<Quantity 0.1 AU>, r_max=<Quantity 500. AU>, zr_max=0.7, radial_bins=100, vertical_bins=100, dust_to_gas=0.01, gas_mass=<Quantity 0.001 solMass>, tapering_radius=<Quantity 100. AU>, tapering_gamma=0.75, midplane_temperature_1au=<Quantity 200. K>, atmosphere_temperature_1au=<Quantity 1000. K>, temperature_slope=0.55, molar_mass=<Quantity 2.33 g / mol>, inner_radius=<Quantity 1. AU>, inner_depletion=1e-06) >>> # Defaults can be overridden >>> WilliamsBest2014(star_mass=2 * u.solMass, r_max=200 * # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE WilliamsBest2014(star_mass=<Quantity 2. solMass>, xray_plasma_temperature=<Quantity 10000000. K>, xray_luminosity=<Quantity 1.e+31 erg / s>, cr_padovani_use_l=False, r_min=<Quantity 0.1 AU>, r_max=<Quantity 200. AU>, zr_max=0.7, radial_bins=100, vertical_bins=100, dust_to_gas=0.01, gas_mass=<Quantity 0.001 solMass>, tapering_radius=<Quantity 100. AU>, tapering_gamma=0.75, midplane_temperature_1au=<Quantity 200. K>, atmosphere_temperature_1au=<Quantity 1000. K>, temperature_slope=0.55, molar_mass=<Quantity 2.33 g / mol>, inner_radius=<Quantity 1. AU>, inner_depletion=1e-06)
>>> # Generate physics on 3x3 grid >>> physics_small_grid = WilliamsBest2014(vertical_bins=3, radial_bins=3) >>> # table attribute stores the table with the model. Called first time, calculates the table >>> table = physics_small_grid.table >>> # print table with floats in exponential format >>> table # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <CTable length=9> Radius Height Height to radius Gas density Dust density Gas temperature Dust temperature AU AU g / cm3 g / cm3 K K float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 ------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------------- 1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.153290e-15 1.153290e-17 7.096268e+02 7.096268e+02 1.000000e-01 3.500000e-02 3.500000e-01 5.024587e-34 5.024587e-36 3.548134e+03 3.548134e+03 1.000000e-01 7.000000e-02 7.000000e-01 5.921268e-72 5.921268e-74 3.548134e+03 3.548134e+03 7.071068e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.285168e-13 2.285168e-15 6.820453e+01 6.820453e+01 7.071068e+00 2.474874e+00 3.500000e-01 2.716386e-17 2.716386e-19 3.410227e+02 3.410227e+02 7.071068e+00 4.949747e+00 7.000000e-01 7.189026e-23 7.189026e-25 3.410227e+02 3.410227e+02 5.000000e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.871710e-20 2.871710e-22 6.555359e+00 6.555359e+00 5.000000e+02 1.750000e+02 3.500000e-01 6.929036e-22 6.929036e-24 2.625083e+01 2.625083e+01 5.000000e+02 3.500000e+02 7.000000e-01 8.170464e-23 8.170464e-25 3.277680e+01 3.277680e+01 >>> physics_wrong_unit = WilliamsBest2014(star_mass=2) # Does NOT raise an exception >>> physics_wrong_unit.table # but will cause unit conversion errors later Traceback (most recent call last): ... astropy.units.core.UnitConversionError: 'AU(3/2) J(1/2) kg(1/2) s / (g(1/2) m(3/2))' and 'AU' (length) are not convertible
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@dataclass class WilliamsBest2014(ParametrizedPhysics): """ Class that defines physical model as in Williams & Best 2014 Usage: >>> # Initializing physics class with default parameters >>> physics = WilliamsBest2014() >>> physics # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE WilliamsBest2014(star_mass=<Quantity 1. solMass>, xray_plasma_temperature=<Quantity 10000000. K>, xray_luminosity=<Quantity 1.e+31 erg / s>, cr_padovani_use_l=False, r_min=<Quantity 0.1 AU>, r_max=<Quantity 500. AU>, zr_max=0.7, radial_bins=100, vertical_bins=100, dust_to_gas=0.01, gas_mass=<Quantity 0.001 solMass>, tapering_radius=<Quantity 100. AU>, tapering_gamma=0.75, midplane_temperature_1au=<Quantity 200. K>, atmosphere_temperature_1au=<Quantity 1000. K>, temperature_slope=0.55, molar_mass=<Quantity 2.33 g / mol>, inner_radius=<Quantity 1. AU>, inner_depletion=1e-06) >>> # Defaults can be overridden >>> WilliamsBest2014(star_mass=2 * u.solMass, r_max=200 * # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE WilliamsBest2014(star_mass=<Quantity 2. solMass>, xray_plasma_temperature=<Quantity 10000000. K>, xray_luminosity=<Quantity 1.e+31 erg / s>, cr_padovani_use_l=False, r_min=<Quantity 0.1 AU>, r_max=<Quantity 200. AU>, zr_max=0.7, radial_bins=100, vertical_bins=100, dust_to_gas=0.01, gas_mass=<Quantity 0.001 solMass>, tapering_radius=<Quantity 100. AU>, tapering_gamma=0.75, midplane_temperature_1au=<Quantity 200. K>, atmosphere_temperature_1au=<Quantity 1000. K>, temperature_slope=0.55, molar_mass=<Quantity 2.33 g / mol>, inner_radius=<Quantity 1. AU>, inner_depletion=1e-06) >>> # Generate physics on 3x3 grid >>> physics_small_grid = WilliamsBest2014(vertical_bins=3, radial_bins=3) >>> # table attribute stores the table with the model. Called first time, calculates the table >>> table = physics_small_grid.table >>> # print table with floats in exponential format >>> table # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <CTable length=9> Radius Height Height to radius Gas density Dust density Gas temperature Dust temperature AU AU g / cm3 g / cm3 K K float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 float64 ------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------------- 1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.153290e-15 1.153290e-17 7.096268e+02 7.096268e+02 1.000000e-01 3.500000e-02 3.500000e-01 5.024587e-34 5.024587e-36 3.548134e+03 3.548134e+03 1.000000e-01 7.000000e-02 7.000000e-01 5.921268e-72 5.921268e-74 3.548134e+03 3.548134e+03 7.071068e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.285168e-13 2.285168e-15 6.820453e+01 6.820453e+01 7.071068e+00 2.474874e+00 3.500000e-01 2.716386e-17 2.716386e-19 3.410227e+02 3.410227e+02 7.071068e+00 4.949747e+00 7.000000e-01 7.189026e-23 7.189026e-25 3.410227e+02 3.410227e+02 5.000000e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.871710e-20 2.871710e-22 6.555359e+00 6.555359e+00 5.000000e+02 1.750000e+02 3.500000e-01 6.929036e-22 6.929036e-24 2.625083e+01 2.625083e+01 5.000000e+02 3.500000e+02 7.000000e-01 8.170464e-23 8.170464e-25 3.277680e+01 3.277680e+01 >>> physics_wrong_unit = WilliamsBest2014(star_mass=2) # Does NOT raise an exception >>> physics_wrong_unit.table # but will cause unit conversion errors later Traceback (most recent call last): ... astropy.units.core.UnitConversionError: 'AU(3/2) J(1/2) kg(1/2) s / (g(1/2) m(3/2))' and 'AU' (length) are not convertible """ gas_mass: u.solMass = 1e-3 * u.solMass tapering_radius: = 100 * tapering_gamma: float = 0.75 midplane_temperature_1au: u.K = 200 * u.K atmosphere_temperature_1au: u.K = 1000 * u.K temperature_slope: float = 0.55 molar_mass: / u.mol = 2.33 * u.g / u.mol inner_radius: = 1 * inner_depletion: float = 1e-6 @u.quantity_input def gas_temperature(self, r:, z: -> u.K: """Function that returns gas temperature at given r,z using the parametrization from Williams & Best 2014, Eq. 5-7 Args: r: -- radial distance z: -- height Return: temperature: u.K Raises: astropy.unit.UnitConversion Error if units are not consistent """ temp_midplane = self.midplane_temperature_1au * ( / ** (-self.temperature_slope) temp_atmosphere = self.atmosphere_temperature_1au * ( / ** (-self.temperature_slope) pressure_scalehight = ( ( const.R * temp_midplane * r ** 3 / (const.G * self.star_mass * self.molar_mass) ) ** 0.5 ).to( temperature = u.Quantity(np.zeros_like(z)).value << u.K indices_atmosphere = z >= 4 * pressure_scalehight indices_midplane = ~ indices_atmosphere temperature[indices_atmosphere] = temp_atmosphere[indices_atmosphere] temperature[indices_midplane] = ( temp_midplane[indices_midplane] + (temp_atmosphere[indices_midplane] - temp_midplane[indices_midplane]) * np.sin((np.pi * z[indices_midplane] / (8 * pressure_scalehight[indices_midplane])) .to(u.rad, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles()) ) ** 4 ) return temperature @u.quantity_input def gas_density(self, r:, z: -> u.g / ** 3: """ Calculates gas density according to Eq. 1-3 Args: r: -- radial distance z: -- height Returns: gas density, in u.g / ** 3 """ density = np.zeros_like(z.value) << u.g / ** 3 for _r in set(r): indices_this_radius = r == _r density[indices_this_radius] = self._vertical_density(_r)(z[indices_this_radius]) return density @u.quantity_input def _vertical_density(self, _r:, zsteps: int = 100, maxzr: float = 1): """ Calculates unnormalized vertical density according to Eq. 1 Args: _r: -- a single radius to calculate vertical scale Returns: callable to calculate vertical density """ z = np.linspace(0, _r * maxzr, zsteps).to( r = np.ones_like(z).value * _r local_temperature = self.gas_temperature(r, z) unscaled_log_density = scipy.integrate.cumtrapz( self._vertical_density_integrator(_r, z, local_temperature), z, initial=0 ) unscaled_density = np.exp(unscaled_log_density) total_density = np.trapz(unscaled_density, z) scaled_density = (unscaled_density / total_density * self.column_density(_r)).to(u.g / ** 3) callable = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, scaled_density) def quantity_callable(z: -> u.g / ** 3: return callable( << (u.g / ** 3) return quantity_callable def _vertical_density_integrator(self, r, z, t): dlntdz = np.zeros_like(t).value << (1 / dlntdz[:-1] = (t[1:] - t[:-1]) / (z[1:] - z[:-1]) / (t[:-1]) return -( const.G * self.star_mass * z / (r ** 2 + z ** 2) ** 1.5 * self.molar_mass / const.R / t + dlntdz ).to(1 / @u.quantity_input def dust_density(self, r:, z: -> u.g / ** 3: return self.gas_density(r, z) * self.dust_to_gas dust_temperature = gas_temperature @cached_property def column_density_norm(self) -> u.g / ** 2: return (2 - self.tapering_gamma) * self.gas_mass / (2 * np.pi * self.tapering_radius ** 2) \ * np.exp((self.inner_radius / self.tapering_radius) ** (2 - self.tapering_gamma)) @u.quantity_input def column_density(self, r: -> u.g / ** 2: """Gas column density at given radius""" drop = np.where(r < self.inner_radius, self.inner_depletion, 1) return drop * self.column_density_norm * (r / self.tapering_radius) ** (-self.tapering_gamma) \ * np.exp(-(r / self.tapering_radius) ** (2 - self.tapering_gamma))
Class variables
var atmosphere_temperature_1au : Unit("K")
var gas_mass : Unit("solMass")
var inner_depletion : float
var inner_radius : Unit("AU")
var midplane_temperature_1au : Unit("K")
var molar_mass : Unit("kg / mol")
var tapering_gamma : float
var tapering_radius : Unit("AU")
var temperature_slope : float
Instance variables
var column_density_norm
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def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): if instance is None: return self if self.attrname is None: raise TypeError( "Cannot use cached_property instance without calling __set_name__ on it.") try: cache = instance.__dict__ except AttributeError: # not all objects have __dict__ (e.g. class defines slots) msg = ( f"No '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} " f"instance to cache {self.attrname!r} property." ) raise TypeError(msg) from None val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND) if val is _NOT_FOUND: with self.lock: # check if another thread filled cache while we awaited lock val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND) if val is _NOT_FOUND: val = self.func(instance) try: cache[self.attrname] = val except TypeError: msg = ( f"The '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} instance " f"does not support item assignment for caching {self.attrname!r} property." ) raise TypeError(msg) from None return val
def column_density(self, r: Unit("AU")) ‑> Unit("g / cm2")
Gas column density at given radius
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@u.quantity_input def column_density(self, r: -> u.g / ** 2: """Gas column density at given radius""" drop = np.where(r < self.inner_radius, self.inner_depletion, 1) return drop * self.column_density_norm * (r / self.tapering_radius) ** (-self.tapering_gamma) \ * np.exp(-(r / self.tapering_radius) ** (2 - self.tapering_gamma))
def dust_temperature(self, r: Unit("AU"), z: Unit("AU")) ‑> Unit("K")
Function that returns gas temperature
at given r,z using the parametrization from Williams & Best 2014, Eq. 5-7
- – radial distance
- – height
temperature: u.K
Error if units are not consistent
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@u.quantity_input def gas_temperature(self, r:, z: -> u.K: """Function that returns gas temperature at given r,z using the parametrization from Williams & Best 2014, Eq. 5-7 Args: r: -- radial distance z: -- height Return: temperature: u.K Raises: astropy.unit.UnitConversion Error if units are not consistent """ temp_midplane = self.midplane_temperature_1au * ( / ** (-self.temperature_slope) temp_atmosphere = self.atmosphere_temperature_1au * ( / ** (-self.temperature_slope) pressure_scalehight = ( ( const.R * temp_midplane * r ** 3 / (const.G * self.star_mass * self.molar_mass) ) ** 0.5 ).to( temperature = u.Quantity(np.zeros_like(z)).value << u.K indices_atmosphere = z >= 4 * pressure_scalehight indices_midplane = ~ indices_atmosphere temperature[indices_atmosphere] = temp_atmosphere[indices_atmosphere] temperature[indices_midplane] = ( temp_midplane[indices_midplane] + (temp_atmosphere[indices_midplane] - temp_midplane[indices_midplane]) * np.sin((np.pi * z[indices_midplane] / (8 * pressure_scalehight[indices_midplane])) .to(u.rad, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles()) ) ** 4 ) return temperature
def gas_density(self, r: Unit("AU"), z: Unit("AU")) ‑> Unit("g / cm3")
Calculates gas density according to Eq. 1-3
- – radial distance
- – height
gas density, in u.g / ** 3
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@u.quantity_input def gas_density(self, r:, z: -> u.g / ** 3: """ Calculates gas density according to Eq. 1-3 Args: r: -- radial distance z: -- height Returns: gas density, in u.g / ** 3 """ density = np.zeros_like(z.value) << u.g / ** 3 for _r in set(r): indices_this_radius = r == _r density[indices_this_radius] = self._vertical_density(_r)(z[indices_this_radius]) return density
def gas_temperature(self, r: Unit("AU"), z: Unit("AU")) ‑> Unit("K")
Function that returns gas temperature
at given r,z using the parametrization from Williams & Best 2014, Eq. 5-7
- – radial distance
- – height
temperature: u.K
Error if units are not consistent
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@u.quantity_input def gas_temperature(self, r:, z: -> u.K: """Function that returns gas temperature at given r,z using the parametrization from Williams & Best 2014, Eq. 5-7 Args: r: -- radial distance z: -- height Return: temperature: u.K Raises: astropy.unit.UnitConversion Error if units are not consistent """ temp_midplane = self.midplane_temperature_1au * ( / ** (-self.temperature_slope) temp_atmosphere = self.atmosphere_temperature_1au * ( / ** (-self.temperature_slope) pressure_scalehight = ( ( const.R * temp_midplane * r ** 3 / (const.G * self.star_mass * self.molar_mass) ) ** 0.5 ).to( temperature = u.Quantity(np.zeros_like(z)).value << u.K indices_atmosphere = z >= 4 * pressure_scalehight indices_midplane = ~ indices_atmosphere temperature[indices_atmosphere] = temp_atmosphere[indices_atmosphere] temperature[indices_midplane] = ( temp_midplane[indices_midplane] + (temp_atmosphere[indices_midplane] - temp_midplane[indices_midplane]) * np.sin((np.pi * z[indices_midplane] / (8 * pressure_scalehight[indices_midplane])) .to(u.rad, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles()) ) ** 4 ) return temperature
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