Module diskchef.chemistry.base

Expand source code
from dataclasses import dataclass
import logging
from typing import Union, List

from astropy import units as u, constants as const
from matplotlib import colors
import matplotlib.axes
import numpy as np

import diskchef
from diskchef.engine.exceptions import CHEFNotImplementedError
from diskchef.chemistry.abundances import Abundances
from diskchef.physics.base import PhysicsBase
from diskchef.physics.williams_best import WilliamsBest2014
from diskchef.engine.plot import Plot2D, Plot1D

class ChemistryBase:
    physics: PhysicsBase = None
    molar_mass: u.g / u.mol = 2.33 * u.g / u.mol
    hydrogen_mass_fraction: float = 0.739

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.' + self.__class__.__qualname__)"Creating an instance of %s", self.__class__.__qualname__)
        self.logger.debug("With parameters: %s", self.__dict__)
        if self.physics is not None:
            except KeyError as e:
                self.logger.warning("'Gas density' is not defined in physics.table of %s: %s", self.physics, e)

    def table(self):
        """Shortcut for self.physics.table"""
        return self.physics.table

    def run_chemistry(self):
        """Writes the output of the chemical model into self.table"""
        raise CHEFNotImplementedError

    def update_hydrogen_atom_number_density(self):
        """Calculates the hydrogen atom density used to scale all other atoms to"""
        self.table["n(H+2H2)"] = (self.table["Gas density"] * self.hydrogen_mass_fraction / const.m_p).cgs

    def plot_chemistry(
            species1, species2=None,
            axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None,
            table: diskchef.CTable = None, folder=".",
            cmap: Union[matplotlib.colors.Colormap, str] = 'YlGnBu',
    ) -> Plot2D:
        if species2 is None:
            species2 = species1
        if table is None:
            table = self.table
        return Plot2D(table, axes=axes, data1=species1, data2=species2, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)

    def plot_absolute_chemistry(self, *args, cmap="RdPu", **kwargs) -> Plot2D:
        return self.plot_chemistry(*args, multiply_by="n(H+2H2)", cmap=cmap, **kwargs)

    def plot_column_densities(
            axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None,
            table: diskchef.CTable = None, folder=".",
            species: List[str] = ("CO", "HCO+", "CN", "HCN"),
    ) -> Plot1D:
        if table is None:
            table = self.table
        return Plot1D(table, axes=axes, data=[spice + " number density" for spice in species], **kwargs)

    def plot_column_densities_2d(
            axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None,
            table: diskchef.CTable = None, folder=".",
            cmap: Union[matplotlib.colors.Colormap, str] = 'pink_r',
    ) -> Plot2D:
        if table is None:
            table = self.table
        return Plot2D(
            data1=f"{species} column density towards star", data2=f"{species} column density upwards",
            axes=axes, cmap=cmap, **kwargs

    def calculate_column_density_towards_star(self, species: str):
        Calculates the column density of a given species towards star for each self.table row

        Adds two columns to the table: f"{species} number density" and f"{species} column density towards star"

            species: species to integrate

        Returns: self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]
        self.table[f"{species} number density"] = self.table[species] * self.table["n(H+2H2)"]
        self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"] = self.physics.column_density_to(
            self.table.r, self.table.z,
            f"{species} number density",

        return self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]

    def calculate_column_density_upwards(self, species: str):
        Calculates the column density of a given species towards star for each self.table row

        Adds two columns to the table: f"{species} number density" and f"{species} column density upwards"

            species: species to integrate

        Returns: self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]
        self.table[f"{species} number density"] = self.table[species] * self.table["n(H+2H2)"]

        if not self.table.is_in_zr_regular_grid:
            raise diskchef.engine.CHEFNotImplementedError("Implemented only for regular grids")

        self.table[f"{species} column density upwards"] = self.physics.column_density_to(
            np.nan *, np.nan *,
            f"{species} number density",
            r0=np.nan *, z0=np.inf *,

        return self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]

    def add_co_isotopologues(self):
        """Writes new 13CO and C18O columns as 1/77 and 1/560 of CO column"""
        self.table['13CO'] = self.table['CO'] / 77
        self.table['C18O'] = self.table['CO'] / 560
        self.logger.debug("13CO and C18O isotopologues are written to the table.")

class ChemistryModel(ChemistryBase):
    Base class for chemistry with fixed abundances

        physics: instance of `PhysicsBase`-like class
        initial_abundances: instance of `Abundances` class with initial abundances
        molar_mass: in u.g / u.mol units


    >>> # Define physics first
    >>> physics = WilliamsBest2014(radial_bins=3, vertical_bins=3)
    >>> # Define chemistry class using the physics instance
    >>> chemistry = ChemistryModel(physics)
    >>> # chemistry.table is pointing to the physics.table
    >>> chemistry.table  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    <CTable length=9>
       Radius       Height    Height to radius Gas density  Dust density Gas temperature Dust temperature   n(H+2H2)
         AU           AU                         g / cm3      g / cm3           K               K           1 / cm3
      float64      float64        float64        float64      float64        float64         float64        float64
    ------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------------- ------------
    1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 1.153290e-15 1.153290e-17    7.096268e+02     7.096268e+02 5.095483e+08
    1.000000e-01 3.500000e-02     3.500000e-01 5.024587e-34 5.024587e-36    3.548134e+03     3.548134e+03 2.219970e-10
    1.000000e-01 7.000000e-02     7.000000e-01 5.921268e-72 5.921268e-74    3.548134e+03     3.548134e+03 2.616143e-48
    7.071068e+00 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 2.285168e-13 2.285168e-15    6.820453e+01     6.820453e+01 1.009636e+11
    7.071068e+00 2.474874e+00     3.500000e-01 2.716386e-17 2.716386e-19    3.410227e+02     3.410227e+02 1.200157e+07
    7.071068e+00 4.949747e+00     7.000000e-01 7.189026e-23 7.189026e-25    3.410227e+02     3.410227e+02 3.176265e+01
    5.000000e+02 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 2.871710e-20 2.871710e-22    6.555359e+00     6.555359e+00 1.268783e+04
    5.000000e+02 1.750000e+02     3.500000e-01 6.929036e-22 6.929036e-24    2.625083e+01     2.625083e+01 3.061396e+02
    5.000000e+02 3.500000e+02     7.000000e-01 8.170464e-23 8.170464e-25    3.277680e+01     3.277680e+01 3.609885e+01
    >>> chemistry.initial_abundances == {'H2': 5e-01, 'CO': 5e-05}
    >>> chemistry.run_chemistry()
    >>> # The base class just sets abundance to self.initial_abundances
    >>> chemistry.table  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    <CTable length=9>
       Radius       Height    Height to radius Gas density  Dust density Gas temperature Dust temperature   n(H+2H2)        H2           CO
         AU           AU                         g / cm3      g / cm3           K               K           1 / cm3
      float64      float64        float64        float64      float64        float64         float64        float64      float64      float64
    ------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------
     1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 1.153290e-15 1.153290e-17    7.096268e+02     7.096268e+02 5.095483e+08 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     1.000000e-01 3.500000e-02     3.500000e-01 5.024587e-34 5.024587e-36    3.548134e+03     3.548134e+03 2.219970e-10 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     1.000000e-01 7.000000e-02     7.000000e-01 5.921268e-72 5.921268e-74    3.548134e+03     3.548134e+03 2.616143e-48 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     7.071068e+00 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 2.285168e-13 2.285168e-15    6.820453e+01     6.820453e+01 1.009636e+11 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     7.071068e+00 2.474874e+00     3.500000e-01 2.716386e-17 2.716386e-19    3.410227e+02     3.410227e+02 1.200157e+07 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     7.071068e+00 4.949747e+00     7.000000e-01 7.189026e-23 7.189026e-25    3.410227e+02     3.410227e+02 3.176265e+01 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     5.000000e+02 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 2.871710e-20 2.871710e-22    6.555359e+00     6.555359e+00 1.268783e+04 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     5.000000e+02 1.750000e+02     3.500000e-01 6.929036e-22 6.929036e-24    2.625083e+01     2.625083e+01 3.061396e+02 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     5.000000e+02 3.500000e+02     7.000000e-01 8.170464e-23 8.170464e-25    3.277680e+01     3.277680e+01 3.609885e+01 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05

    initial_abundances: Abundances = Abundances()

    def run_chemistry(self):
        """Writes the output of the chemical model into self.table

        In the default class, just adopts the values from self.initial_abundances
        for species, abundance in self.initial_abundances.items():
            self.table[species] = abundance


class ChemistryBase (physics: PhysicsBase = None, molar_mass: Unit("g / mol") = <Quantity 2.33 g / mol>, hydrogen_mass_fraction: float = 0.739)

ChemistryBase(physics: diskchef.physics.base.PhysicsBase = None, molar_mass: Unit("g / mol") = , hydrogen_mass_fraction: float = 0.739)

Expand source code
class ChemistryBase:
    physics: PhysicsBase = None
    molar_mass: u.g / u.mol = 2.33 * u.g / u.mol
    hydrogen_mass_fraction: float = 0.739

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.' + self.__class__.__qualname__)"Creating an instance of %s", self.__class__.__qualname__)
        self.logger.debug("With parameters: %s", self.__dict__)
        if self.physics is not None:
            except KeyError as e:
                self.logger.warning("'Gas density' is not defined in physics.table of %s: %s", self.physics, e)

    def table(self):
        """Shortcut for self.physics.table"""
        return self.physics.table

    def run_chemistry(self):
        """Writes the output of the chemical model into self.table"""
        raise CHEFNotImplementedError

    def update_hydrogen_atom_number_density(self):
        """Calculates the hydrogen atom density used to scale all other atoms to"""
        self.table["n(H+2H2)"] = (self.table["Gas density"] * self.hydrogen_mass_fraction / const.m_p).cgs

    def plot_chemistry(
            species1, species2=None,
            axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None,
            table: diskchef.CTable = None, folder=".",
            cmap: Union[matplotlib.colors.Colormap, str] = 'YlGnBu',
    ) -> Plot2D:
        if species2 is None:
            species2 = species1
        if table is None:
            table = self.table
        return Plot2D(table, axes=axes, data1=species1, data2=species2, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)

    def plot_absolute_chemistry(self, *args, cmap="RdPu", **kwargs) -> Plot2D:
        return self.plot_chemistry(*args, multiply_by="n(H+2H2)", cmap=cmap, **kwargs)

    def plot_column_densities(
            axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None,
            table: diskchef.CTable = None, folder=".",
            species: List[str] = ("CO", "HCO+", "CN", "HCN"),
    ) -> Plot1D:
        if table is None:
            table = self.table
        return Plot1D(table, axes=axes, data=[spice + " number density" for spice in species], **kwargs)

    def plot_column_densities_2d(
            axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None,
            table: diskchef.CTable = None, folder=".",
            cmap: Union[matplotlib.colors.Colormap, str] = 'pink_r',
    ) -> Plot2D:
        if table is None:
            table = self.table
        return Plot2D(
            data1=f"{species} column density towards star", data2=f"{species} column density upwards",
            axes=axes, cmap=cmap, **kwargs

    def calculate_column_density_towards_star(self, species: str):
        Calculates the column density of a given species towards star for each self.table row

        Adds two columns to the table: f"{species} number density" and f"{species} column density towards star"

            species: species to integrate

        Returns: self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]
        self.table[f"{species} number density"] = self.table[species] * self.table["n(H+2H2)"]
        self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"] = self.physics.column_density_to(
            self.table.r, self.table.z,
            f"{species} number density",

        return self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]

    def calculate_column_density_upwards(self, species: str):
        Calculates the column density of a given species towards star for each self.table row

        Adds two columns to the table: f"{species} number density" and f"{species} column density upwards"

            species: species to integrate

        Returns: self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]
        self.table[f"{species} number density"] = self.table[species] * self.table["n(H+2H2)"]

        if not self.table.is_in_zr_regular_grid:
            raise diskchef.engine.CHEFNotImplementedError("Implemented only for regular grids")

        self.table[f"{species} column density upwards"] = self.physics.column_density_to(
            np.nan *, np.nan *,
            f"{species} number density",
            r0=np.nan *, z0=np.inf *,

        return self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]

    def add_co_isotopologues(self):
        """Writes new 13CO and C18O columns as 1/77 and 1/560 of CO column"""
        self.table['13CO'] = self.table['CO'] / 77
        self.table['C18O'] = self.table['CO'] / 560
        self.logger.debug("13CO and C18O isotopologues are written to the table.")


Class variables

var hydrogen_mass_fraction : float
var molar_mass : Unit("g / mol")
var physicsPhysicsBase

Instance variables

var table

Shortcut for self.physics.table

Expand source code
def table(self):
    """Shortcut for self.physics.table"""
    return self.physics.table


def add_co_isotopologues(self)

Writes new 13CO and C18O columns as 1/77 and 1/560 of CO column

Expand source code
def add_co_isotopologues(self):
    """Writes new 13CO and C18O columns as 1/77 and 1/560 of CO column"""
    self.table['13CO'] = self.table['CO'] / 77
    self.table['C18O'] = self.table['CO'] / 560
    self.logger.debug("13CO and C18O isotopologues are written to the table.")
def calculate_column_density_towards_star(self, species: str)

Calculates the column density of a given species towards star for each self.table row

Adds two columns to the table: f"{species} number density" and f"{species} column density towards star"


species to integrate

Returns: self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]

Expand source code
def calculate_column_density_towards_star(self, species: str):
    Calculates the column density of a given species towards star for each self.table row

    Adds two columns to the table: f"{species} number density" and f"{species} column density towards star"

        species: species to integrate

    Returns: self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]
    self.table[f"{species} number density"] = self.table[species] * self.table["n(H+2H2)"]
    self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"] = self.physics.column_density_to(
        self.table.r, self.table.z,
        f"{species} number density",

    return self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]
def calculate_column_density_upwards(self, species: str)

Calculates the column density of a given species towards star for each self.table row

Adds two columns to the table: f"{species} number density" and f"{species} column density upwards"


species to integrate

Returns: self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]

Expand source code
def calculate_column_density_upwards(self, species: str):
    Calculates the column density of a given species towards star for each self.table row

    Adds two columns to the table: f"{species} number density" and f"{species} column density upwards"

        species: species to integrate

    Returns: self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]
    self.table[f"{species} number density"] = self.table[species] * self.table["n(H+2H2)"]

    if not self.table.is_in_zr_regular_grid:
        raise diskchef.engine.CHEFNotImplementedError("Implemented only for regular grids")

    self.table[f"{species} column density upwards"] = self.physics.column_density_to(
        np.nan *, np.nan *,
        f"{species} number density",
        r0=np.nan *, z0=np.inf *,

    return self.table[f"{species} column density towards star"]
def plot_absolute_chemistry(self, *args, cmap='RdPu', **kwargs) ‑> Plot2D
Expand source code
def plot_absolute_chemistry(self, *args, cmap="RdPu", **kwargs) -> Plot2D:
    return self.plot_chemistry(*args, multiply_by="n(H+2H2)", cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
def plot_chemistry(self, species1, species2=None, axes: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes = None, table: CTable = None, folder='.', cmap: Union[matplotlib.colors.Colormap, str] = 'YlGnBu', **kwargs) ‑> Plot2D
Expand source code
def plot_chemistry(
        species1, species2=None,
        axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None,
        table: diskchef.CTable = None, folder=".",
        cmap: Union[matplotlib.colors.Colormap, str] = 'YlGnBu',
) -> Plot2D:
    if species2 is None:
        species2 = species1
    if table is None:
        table = self.table
    return Plot2D(table, axes=axes, data1=species1, data2=species2, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
def plot_column_densities(self, axes: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes = None, table: CTable = None, folder='.', species: List[str] = ('CO', 'HCO+', 'CN', 'HCN'), **kwargs) ‑> Plot1D
Expand source code
def plot_column_densities(
        axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None,
        table: diskchef.CTable = None, folder=".",
        species: List[str] = ("CO", "HCO+", "CN", "HCN"),
) -> Plot1D:
    if table is None:
        table = self.table
    return Plot1D(table, axes=axes, data=[spice + " number density" for spice in species], **kwargs)
def plot_column_densities_2d(self, species='H2', axes: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes = None, table: CTable = None, folder='.', cmap: Union[matplotlib.colors.Colormap, str] = 'pink_r', **kwargs) ‑> Plot2D
Expand source code
def plot_column_densities_2d(
        axes: matplotlib.axes.Axes = None,
        table: diskchef.CTable = None, folder=".",
        cmap: Union[matplotlib.colors.Colormap, str] = 'pink_r',
) -> Plot2D:
    if table is None:
        table = self.table
    return Plot2D(
        data1=f"{species} column density towards star", data2=f"{species} column density upwards",
        axes=axes, cmap=cmap, **kwargs
def run_chemistry(self)

Writes the output of the chemical model into self.table

Expand source code
def run_chemistry(self):
    """Writes the output of the chemical model into self.table"""
    raise CHEFNotImplementedError
def update_hydrogen_atom_number_density(self)

Calculates the hydrogen atom density used to scale all other atoms to

Expand source code
def update_hydrogen_atom_number_density(self):
    """Calculates the hydrogen atom density used to scale all other atoms to"""
    self.table["n(H+2H2)"] = (self.table["Gas density"] * self.hydrogen_mass_fraction / const.m_p).cgs
class ChemistryModel (physics: PhysicsBase = None, molar_mass: Unit("g / mol") = <Quantity 2.33 g / mol>, hydrogen_mass_fraction: float = 0.739, initial_abundances: Abundances = {'H2': 0.5, 'CO': 5e-05})

Base class for chemistry with fixed abundances


instance of PhysicsBase-like class
instance of Abundances class with initial abundances
in u.g / u.mol units


>>> # Define physics first
>>> physics = WilliamsBest2014(radial_bins=3, vertical_bins=3)
>>> # Define chemistry class using the physics instance
>>> chemistry = ChemistryModel(physics)
>>> # chemistry.table is pointing to the physics.table
>>> chemistry.table  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
<CTable length=9>
   Radius       Height    Height to radius Gas density  Dust density Gas temperature Dust temperature   n(H+2H2)
     AU           AU                         g / cm3      g / cm3           K               K           1 / cm3
  float64      float64        float64        float64      float64        float64         float64        float64
------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------------- ------------
1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 1.153290e-15 1.153290e-17    7.096268e+02     7.096268e+02 5.095483e+08
1.000000e-01 3.500000e-02     3.500000e-01 5.024587e-34 5.024587e-36    3.548134e+03     3.548134e+03 2.219970e-10
1.000000e-01 7.000000e-02     7.000000e-01 5.921268e-72 5.921268e-74    3.548134e+03     3.548134e+03 2.616143e-48
7.071068e+00 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 2.285168e-13 2.285168e-15    6.820453e+01     6.820453e+01 1.009636e+11
7.071068e+00 2.474874e+00     3.500000e-01 2.716386e-17 2.716386e-19    3.410227e+02     3.410227e+02 1.200157e+07
7.071068e+00 4.949747e+00     7.000000e-01 7.189026e-23 7.189026e-25    3.410227e+02     3.410227e+02 3.176265e+01
5.000000e+02 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 2.871710e-20 2.871710e-22    6.555359e+00     6.555359e+00 1.268783e+04
5.000000e+02 1.750000e+02     3.500000e-01 6.929036e-22 6.929036e-24    2.625083e+01     2.625083e+01 3.061396e+02
5.000000e+02 3.500000e+02     7.000000e-01 8.170464e-23 8.170464e-25    3.277680e+01     3.277680e+01 3.609885e+01
>>> chemistry.initial_abundances == {'H2': 5e-01, 'CO': 5e-05}
>>> chemistry.run_chemistry()
>>> # The base class just sets abundance to self.initial_abundances
>>> chemistry.table  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
<CTable length=9>
   Radius       Height    Height to radius Gas density  Dust density Gas temperature Dust temperature   n(H+2H2)        H2           CO
     AU           AU                         g / cm3      g / cm3           K               K           1 / cm3
  float64      float64        float64        float64      float64        float64         float64        float64      float64      float64
------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------
 1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 1.153290e-15 1.153290e-17    7.096268e+02     7.096268e+02 5.095483e+08 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
 1.000000e-01 3.500000e-02     3.500000e-01 5.024587e-34 5.024587e-36    3.548134e+03     3.548134e+03 2.219970e-10 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
 1.000000e-01 7.000000e-02     7.000000e-01 5.921268e-72 5.921268e-74    3.548134e+03     3.548134e+03 2.616143e-48 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
 7.071068e+00 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 2.285168e-13 2.285168e-15    6.820453e+01     6.820453e+01 1.009636e+11 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
 7.071068e+00 2.474874e+00     3.500000e-01 2.716386e-17 2.716386e-19    3.410227e+02     3.410227e+02 1.200157e+07 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
 7.071068e+00 4.949747e+00     7.000000e-01 7.189026e-23 7.189026e-25    3.410227e+02     3.410227e+02 3.176265e+01 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
 5.000000e+02 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 2.871710e-20 2.871710e-22    6.555359e+00     6.555359e+00 1.268783e+04 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
 5.000000e+02 1.750000e+02     3.500000e-01 6.929036e-22 6.929036e-24    2.625083e+01     2.625083e+01 3.061396e+02 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
 5.000000e+02 3.500000e+02     7.000000e-01 8.170464e-23 8.170464e-25    3.277680e+01     3.277680e+01 3.609885e+01 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
Expand source code
class ChemistryModel(ChemistryBase):
    Base class for chemistry with fixed abundances

        physics: instance of `PhysicsBase`-like class
        initial_abundances: instance of `Abundances` class with initial abundances
        molar_mass: in u.g / u.mol units


    >>> # Define physics first
    >>> physics = WilliamsBest2014(radial_bins=3, vertical_bins=3)
    >>> # Define chemistry class using the physics instance
    >>> chemistry = ChemistryModel(physics)
    >>> # chemistry.table is pointing to the physics.table
    >>> chemistry.table  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    <CTable length=9>
       Radius       Height    Height to radius Gas density  Dust density Gas temperature Dust temperature   n(H+2H2)
         AU           AU                         g / cm3      g / cm3           K               K           1 / cm3
      float64      float64        float64        float64      float64        float64         float64        float64
    ------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------------- ------------
    1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 1.153290e-15 1.153290e-17    7.096268e+02     7.096268e+02 5.095483e+08
    1.000000e-01 3.500000e-02     3.500000e-01 5.024587e-34 5.024587e-36    3.548134e+03     3.548134e+03 2.219970e-10
    1.000000e-01 7.000000e-02     7.000000e-01 5.921268e-72 5.921268e-74    3.548134e+03     3.548134e+03 2.616143e-48
    7.071068e+00 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 2.285168e-13 2.285168e-15    6.820453e+01     6.820453e+01 1.009636e+11
    7.071068e+00 2.474874e+00     3.500000e-01 2.716386e-17 2.716386e-19    3.410227e+02     3.410227e+02 1.200157e+07
    7.071068e+00 4.949747e+00     7.000000e-01 7.189026e-23 7.189026e-25    3.410227e+02     3.410227e+02 3.176265e+01
    5.000000e+02 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 2.871710e-20 2.871710e-22    6.555359e+00     6.555359e+00 1.268783e+04
    5.000000e+02 1.750000e+02     3.500000e-01 6.929036e-22 6.929036e-24    2.625083e+01     2.625083e+01 3.061396e+02
    5.000000e+02 3.500000e+02     7.000000e-01 8.170464e-23 8.170464e-25    3.277680e+01     3.277680e+01 3.609885e+01
    >>> chemistry.initial_abundances == {'H2': 5e-01, 'CO': 5e-05}
    >>> chemistry.run_chemistry()
    >>> # The base class just sets abundance to self.initial_abundances
    >>> chemistry.table  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    <CTable length=9>
       Radius       Height    Height to radius Gas density  Dust density Gas temperature Dust temperature   n(H+2H2)        H2           CO
         AU           AU                         g / cm3      g / cm3           K               K           1 / cm3
      float64      float64        float64        float64      float64        float64         float64        float64      float64      float64
    ------------ ------------ ---------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------
     1.000000e-01 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 1.153290e-15 1.153290e-17    7.096268e+02     7.096268e+02 5.095483e+08 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     1.000000e-01 3.500000e-02     3.500000e-01 5.024587e-34 5.024587e-36    3.548134e+03     3.548134e+03 2.219970e-10 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     1.000000e-01 7.000000e-02     7.000000e-01 5.921268e-72 5.921268e-74    3.548134e+03     3.548134e+03 2.616143e-48 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     7.071068e+00 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 2.285168e-13 2.285168e-15    6.820453e+01     6.820453e+01 1.009636e+11 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     7.071068e+00 2.474874e+00     3.500000e-01 2.716386e-17 2.716386e-19    3.410227e+02     3.410227e+02 1.200157e+07 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     7.071068e+00 4.949747e+00     7.000000e-01 7.189026e-23 7.189026e-25    3.410227e+02     3.410227e+02 3.176265e+01 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     5.000000e+02 0.000000e+00     0.000000e+00 2.871710e-20 2.871710e-22    6.555359e+00     6.555359e+00 1.268783e+04 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     5.000000e+02 1.750000e+02     3.500000e-01 6.929036e-22 6.929036e-24    2.625083e+01     2.625083e+01 3.061396e+02 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05
     5.000000e+02 3.500000e+02     7.000000e-01 8.170464e-23 8.170464e-25    3.277680e+01     3.277680e+01 3.609885e+01 5.000000e-01 5.000000e-05

    initial_abundances: Abundances = Abundances()

    def run_chemistry(self):
        """Writes the output of the chemical model into self.table

        In the default class, just adopts the values from self.initial_abundances
        for species, abundance in self.initial_abundances.items():
            self.table[species] = abundance



Class variables

var initial_abundancesAbundances


def run_chemistry(self)

Writes the output of the chemical model into self.table

In the default class, just adopts the values from self.initial_abundances

Expand source code
def run_chemistry(self):
    """Writes the output of the chemical model into self.table

    In the default class, just adopts the values from self.initial_abundances
    for species, abundance in self.initial_abundances.items():
        self.table[species] = abundance

Inherited members